How To Use Google Search Console

Have you ever wondered how people find your website? Or have you ever asked yourself if your website's content is really worth investing time to making improvements? 

Thankfully there's one simple and powerful tool that we use with our clients. It helps them understand their search engine ranking and find new opportunities to connect with the right people and further their mission.

That tool is Google Search Console.


Soar Above Your Competitors


Now you've been introduced to the key metrics of Google Search Consoles Search Performance Analysis. We can now start talking about how to use this information for Search Engine Optimization. 

Opportunity Must Be Discovered and Taken


In Summation:

Google Search Console is an incredibly powerful tool. You can use it for search engine optimization and opportunity discovery. Through simple strategies, you can refine how people find your website and focus on key terms that can drive your business forward.

SEO Audit - EvenVision Style

 (10-15 minute read)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it's a large convoluted and messy term. But it doesn't need to be. In this post we're going to focus on a few key actionable items that provide the best returns. We will start with some of the typical questions we at EvenVision hear from clients, and follow it up with a basic audit and more holistic review. The sections will be broken up as:

Why hire a Web firm?

“Why should I hire a web firm instead of building my own website for free?”

This is a perfectly legitimate question and one that we commonly have to answer when in talks with different businesses and organizations. 

Ultimately it boils down a couple different things:

Why should I have a newsletter?

With all our clients, those that have jumped on newsletter (email marketing) systems for sales and client relationship development have found much success from this outlet. We highly recommend developing a strategy to capitalize on newsletters as a means of connecting with past & future clients throughout the year, and distributing valuable information.

The following Article is broken down into these digestible bits:

Sustainable Website Hosting

As natives of the North Coast we love and appreciate the quality of our environment. The fact that we are minutes away from beautiful forests and breath-taking beaches teaming with wildlife is something that we cherish, but unless we are careful in all aspects of our lives there is no guarantee these will remain. 

We at EvenVision are dedicated to producing sustainable solutions for our partners. We believe it's our calling as citizens to protect the beautiful world we live in so future generations can enjoy it as much as we do today. 

Website Speed

We only get the chance to make a first impression once.

Site speed matters, because speed is the first experience people have with your website, your brand, your company. Site speed is a visitor's first impression, so let’s make sure it’s a good one.

Below we will cover the following: What is site speed? Who cares about site speed?  What can you do to improve it? And how we at EvenVision tackle Site Speed.

Should I Trademark My Logo?

We’ve been asked this question numerous times so here I will attempt to provide you some basic information regarding trademarks. It’s important to note that I am not providing legal advice. For legal advice or information about your particular situation, please reach out to a qualified attorney with experience in trademark law.

1. First thing first. What is a trademark?

A trademark is “any word, slogan, symbol, design, or combination of these that: 1) identifies the source of your goods and services, and 2) distinguishes them from the goods and services of another party.”

2. Benefits of a Trademark:

Is there any real value in a trademark? Yes.

Federally Registered trademarks receive the following benefits:

Once again, we at EvenVision are not providing legal advice and so we will leave the following as direct quotes from the USPTO basics video (link found down below).

3. How do I register my logo as a Trademark?

So the benefits seem enticing, but how do you actually register a trademark? Well, it’s important to note that there is a two-tier system within the United States for registering a trademark: Federal and State. Because there is so much information about registering trademarks available, we will only be covering Federally Registered Trademarks.

4. Trademark applications can be denied.

The most basic reason a trademark application may be denied by the USPTO is based on the principle called “likelihood of confusion.” Defined below:

“likelihood of confusion between the mark in your application and a mark registered from another party.”

Here are some of the things which may be red flags for the USPTO with regards to the likelihood of confusion:

5. Inherent strength of a Trademark

Not all logos or marks are created equally, this not only has to do with the quality of their design work but also with the selection of the name. Some are indeed stronger than others, and for trademark purposes, this is an important aspect to note because the strength of a mark determines how easy it is to protect.

USPTO notes these distinct levels of strength, listed from weakest to strongest: These are pulled directly from their video regarding the basics of trademarks:

6. Do your research

Once again, filing for a trademark does not mean that you are guaranteed a trademark, nor are you able to be refunded your filing fee. Therefore, no matter what size your organization is, it’s important to spend the time in researching whether or not there is already a trademark registered that would prevent your application from being accepted.

USPTO calls this process the Trademark Clearance Search and recommends the following steps:

7. Enforcing your Trademark Rights

You are responsible for policing your trademark. If another organization infringes upon your registered trademark rights, the federal or state organizations that they are registered through will not do anything unless you initiate an action against the organization that is infringing upon your rights. That said, the USPTO will not allow a company to trademark a similar mark or logo, so there is at least some level of automated policing occurring.

To sum things up:

Should I trademark my Logo? Totally. There are some serious benefits if your business or organization plans to exist for a long duration and expand.

But the process can be long, hard and possibly expensive. You have to be smart about what you're trying to trademark and be careful about the help you acquire. Furthermore, trademarking your logo isn’t simply a one-shot process, but requires careful diligence overtime to make sure your mark is protected.