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March 8th, 2018

Access Meaningful Data

Optimizing Your Website for Data

Optimizing your Website for Data - EvenVision

"Is your website producing valuable data for your business?"

It's likely the answer is "yes!"

But are you using it?


Websites can provide amazing data when it comes to understanding your business and what people are looking for online. 

For example: 
  • Number & Quality of Visitors 
  • Hot Services/Products
  • Conversion Metrics
  • Value of Social Media 
  • ... and much much more...
EvenVision's recently published Insight talks about Information Architecture Design which is simply the study and execution of organized content designed to produce great results and valuable data. All of this data can help you make informed decisions & execute long-term strategic goals. 
Curious? Take a peak for yourself!
EvenVision Insight - Website Data Optimization

Having access to Analytics Data is one thing. But interpreting it is a completely different story, and it's in this process of understanding that real value comes from your website. Thankfully EvenVision is here to help!

Starting this year we have expanded our ongoing support & consulting services for our clients seeking to maximize their return on investment. 

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Ongoing Site Development
  • Digital Marketing Consulting
  • Analytics Reporting
  • Opportunity Discovery
If you're ready to put data to use for your business, let us know!
I'm ready to employ Website Data!
We've have additional insights on about how to maximize your website ROI.

Here are a few for you to checkout!
Header Image for EvenVision Blog Post - How successful is my website

How Successful is My Website?

Determining the value a website brings to a business is not always easy. If it's an E-Commerce business then it can potentially be simple - "did we earn X amount of dollars last month?" But in many instances, it's not simple or easy to understand, and when it isn't it can be hard to know the value of your investment. 

Because of this inherent ambiguity with determining whether or not a website has been successful we have written this Insight to cover some basics strategies.

Header Image for EvenVision Blog Post - SEO Audit - EvenVision Style

SEO AUDIT - EvenVision Style?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it's a large convoluted and messy term. But it doesn't need to be. In this post we're going to focus on a few key actionable items that provide the best returns. We will start with some of the typical questions we at EvenVision hear from clients, and follow it up with a basic audit and more holistic review.
Header Image for EvenVision Blog Post - Why Should I have a Newsletter?

Why Should I Have a Newsletter?

With all our clients, those that have jumped on newsletter (email marketing) systems for sales and client relationship development have found much success from this outlet. We highly recommend developing a strategy to capitalize on newsletters as a means of connecting with past & future clients throughout the year, and distributing valuable information.

Check out EvenVision Insights

We are Designers, Strategists, Builders, Coffee Lovers. 

We Love: 
Crafting work that connects & inspires
Simplifying things to be smarter, bolder & beautiful
Working with people & providing real solutions
Learning, sharing & growing our community

You Need: 
Solutions to elevate and evolve your brand
Opportunities to reach new customers
True partners to extend your team & goals
Experiences that Delight.

Have an unresolved problem or interesting idea? We would love to hear about it!

EvenVision crafts custom digital solutions, designs, builds & measures successes & experiences that hundreds of thousands love to use. We work with clients of all shapes and sizes, from around Northern California and beyond to solve their challenges and connect them to a beautiful digital world.
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